Missing Link

Creating new methods and color libraries that redefined digital painting techniques.


Lead 3D Innovation Artist

I again served as lead 3D innovation artist, this time working with Stratasys’ latest-generation 3D color printing machine, the J750. The J750 is the first full-color, multi-material 3D printer, and due to LAIKA’s strong relationship with the company, we were allowed early access to Voxel printing on the new machine, with ~360k color combinations. The groundbreaking machine gave LAIKA the ability to increase color range exponentially, and with that ability, I was able to compose fine-art textures and paint in full gradient. This established color illusions with new variations to combat the machine’s overall grey model; expanded color range capabilities by changing the internal colors of the J750; and gave us the possibility to manipulate the thickness of materials. As with ParaNorman, this resulted in my creating new methods and color libraries that redefined the painting techniques that would be used by the visual effects team and other LAIKA artists.  


Kubo & the Two Strings